Sunday, October 10, 2010

More Math Fun!

Hi Parents!
We have been very busy with math and spelling this week, as well as some fun learning centers during reading time. I am enjoying teaching your children.
I really appreciate those of you who give your time to help us out during centers and with Baggy Books. Baggy Books do not need to be returned daily if the book is long! Take the time you need to read it with your child. If the book report/paper is not filled out or signed by a parent it will be returned to you. If your student does not put it in the bag before the books are changed (we do several reminders) it will wait until the following day. We are all working on learning responsibility, and it will come!
I hope the individual spelling lists help you with at-home practice. We have done some writing together and your student has been held accountable for those words. (They must go back and correct them before the work can be turned in.) The writing we do at the writing center is creative thinking and we should see improvement in spelling there too.
This month's math packet is longer than before and is worth 6 stickers. Just a little bit of practice a day is great! Your help with the assigned math pages has been fabulous.
Another great online math resource can be found at: This practice will help your child visualize bigger numbers. Click on the icon on the top of each column and that number of block appears. (clicking on the one's cube three times will give you 3 ones...)

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